Frequently asked questions
How can a domestic legal entity become a member of Produktna berza?
If you are registered legal entities in the Republic of Serbia and you want to become member of Produktna berza, it is necessary to contact one of our brokers, who are at your disposal for all information about the membership and business of the Commodity Exchange. The process of joining the membership is determined by the Law and the Rulebook of Produktna berza. The membership of Produktna berza you can gain by signing the Membership Contract and paying the membership fee. After that, as a member, you can trade through the Commodity Exchange on the spot, forward and block market. The amount of the membership fee depends on the period covered by the membership fee ( 3, 6 or 12 months) and is in accordance with the Tariff of Produktna berza.
How can a domestic agricultural farm become a member of Produktna berza?
If you are registered agricultural farm, you can become a member of Produktna berza by signing the Membership Contract and paying the membership fee. The process of becoming a member is in accordance with the Law and the Rulebook of Produktna berza. Once you get in touch with one of our brokers, they will guide you through the entire membership process. The amount of the membership fee, which you need to pay is in accordance with Tariff of Produktna berza. After signing the Contract, you can trade on spot and forward market, through a broker.
How can a foreign legal entity become a member of Produktna berza?
A foreign legal entitiy can become a member of Produktna berza by signing the Membership Contract and paying the membership fee to the account of the Commodity Exchange. The process of joining a foreign legal entitiy is in accordance with the Law and the Rulebook of Produktna berza ans the foreign legal entity submits all relevant documentation determined by the Rulebook, together with the Application for membership. After accepting the request by the commodity exchange, the foreign legal entity acquires the status of member of Produktna berza and can trade through a broker on the spot and forward market.
What are the rights and obligations of the member after joining?
By membership at Produktna berza, all members acquire the right to simultaneously equally and under equal conditions have equal access to information on traded commodities and forward contracts, to issue orders for purchase and sale, as well as to trade through brokers and uste the Commodity Exchange information system. The member acquires other rights, which are in accordance with the Law, Rulebook and the Membership Contract of Produktna berza.
At the same time, the member is obliged to comply with all laws and bylaws, priciples of the code of ethics prescribed by the Rulebook, professionally and in accordance with good business practices and business ethics to perform activities on Produktna berza, without delay refer to the conditions on the basis of which they acquired membership at Produktna berza, but also to fulfill all other obligations determined by the Law, the Rulebook and other acts of Produktna berza.
Which expenses do the members have in addition to paying the membership fee?
To become a member of the Commdity Exchange, you need to sign the Membership Contract and pay the memberhsip fee. Depending of the membership period you want (3, 6 or 12 months), the amount of the membership fee you need to pay also depends. Also, members of the Commodity Exchange pay certain fees depending on the services they want to use. If members trade through the Commodity Exchange, they are obliged to pay a fee based on trasactions, which is calculated as a percentage of the amount of the concluded transaction. In the case that a member needs an official confirmation of the movement of the price of a certain agricultural product, the member pays a fee according to the number of required data. The amount of this fee is determined by the Rulebook and Tariff of Produktna berza.
How is possible to get an official written confirmation of the price of commodities at Produktna berza?
Due to its way of work and price formation, Produktna berza is a reference institution for issuing official cerfiticatres of the prices of the commodities traded on the Commodity Exchange market. In order to receive an Official Price Certificate issued by Produktna berza, it is necessary that when contacting the Commodity Exchange at page Official Price Certificates, you specify which commodities are in question, for what period of time, and for what purpose. By sending a request, and after that by paying the amount based on the Tariff of Produktna berza, you get the required Official Price Certificates.
How can a member of Produktna berza trade commodities?
The authorized representative of a Commodity Exchange member gives an order for trading through the trading platform or by giving written or oral instruction to broker, who creates an order for purchase or sale on behalf of the member throug his account. When the order is created and approved by the controller, it becomes active and at the same time visible to all members of the electronic board, who can automatically respond to the order via the trading platform, against the order.
What else does Produktna berza offer besides trading?
In addition to the possibility of trading through the online platform, the Commodity Exchange also offers its members the opportunity to inform about the latest movements in both domestic and foreign merkts. Thus, members have daily information on prices from real-time trading, an overview of price movements on a daily, monthly and annual basis, access to historical prices and a report on movements in the global market. Also, members of Produktna berza have the opportunity to use the premises of the Commodity Exchange, with the use of modern equipment at their disposal.