The prices of primary agricultural products continue to have a negative trend. The most significant drop in price was recorded for wheat. Volume turnover is higher than the previous week and reaches 3.630 tons of goods. The financial value amounts to 1.330.344,06 € and is less by 5,48%.
Less activity is noticeable in the corn market, both on the supply and on the demand side. As the week progressed, the price was down due to a lack of demand. Corn contracts were concluded in the price range from 281,27 to 294,05 €/t. The weighted price is 289,71 €/t, which is a decrease of 1,95% compared to the week before. The realization of the contract for old-crop corn, which was traded in the price range of 283,83 to 285,53 €/t, is also recorded, depending on the length of storage and analysis for aflatoxin.
Wheat continues to dominate in trade. In contrast to the previous period when there were most requests for wheat with a protein content of 11,5-12%, this week, interest was expressed for wheat with a higher protein content of 13%. The price spread between buyers and sellers widened as the week progressed. The contracts were concluded at the beginning of the week at 323,89 €/t, and due to the negative price trend, at the end of the week, wheat was realized at 311,10 €/t. The weighted price is 316,47 €/t, which represents a drop of 3,03%.
The beginning of the week brought more activity in the soybean market. Contracts for soybeans with quality calculation were concluded in the price range from 600,89 to 605,16 €/t. The absence of demand led to supply at a lower price level at the end of the week, but the interest of buyers was not expressed even then. The weekly weighted price is 604,47 €/t which is a slight price drop of 0,12%.
Of the other commodities, there is trade in rapeseed and feed barley. Rapeseed, crop 2022, with the calculation of quality, was traded at 581,38 €/t. The contract for feed barley, with a specific mass of 58 kg, was concluded at 296,61 €/t.
And the supply of sunflower meal, 33% protein, recorded a drop in price. Unlike the previous week, when supply was at 306,84 €/t, this week’s supply was at a lower price level of 300,87 to 306,84 €/t.